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Start feeling better

Join the thousands of people who have broken free from chronic pain and movement issues with our online program.

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Do you have a movement issue?

Movement issues aren’t always obvious

So what's the problem with movement issues?


Get back to spending time with your family

Get back to playing sports again


Little moments

Get back to enjoying the little moments again

Plus the hidden costs...

People with chronic pain are at risk.

0 x

more likely to develop depression and anxiety


0 min

of sleep per night

0 x

the risk of suicicide

source: here

Chronic pain is expensive

People in pain pay more.

$ 0

more in healthcare costs per year.

source: here

Stop suffering and get to the root cause of your movement issue


The Movement Program

The only at-home daily movement program that intelligently adapts to your body so you can finally start feeling better.

Designed for people who:

Based on 3 key principals

Principle #1

Your pain is a signal, not the problem

Pain does a great job of getting your attention. The problem is, that pain doesn’t tell you precisely what is happening inside your body.

Your back could hurt because your hips can’t move. Your hips could hurt because the shoulders aren’t supporting your movement.

If you just focus on trying to fix the local pain, you’ll never get to the root cause of your issues.

Principle #2

To fix pain for good you must balance your entire body

Instead of focusing on the “problem area” you need to zoom out and look at at how your entire body moves. The Movement Programs takes this holistic approach. 

It doesn’t focus on any specific area, instead it restores your body’s overall balance.

When this happens your pain “problem areas” naturally go away.

Principle #3

Movement is the way to restoring balance

You’re experiencing pain because of how you’ve been moving. The only way to fix this for good is to teach your body how to move properly. Without proper regular movement, you’ll never be free.


When you’re stuck in pain for so long, it can feel like it’s never going away and it’s never going to stop.

And that nobody’s ever going to be able to go to the root cause and help heal you.

That was me untill I found Pain Academy

– Sarah, Pain Academy Member

How does it work?

Move each day with targeted sequences

Everyday you'll move through a sequence. These small movements compound for big results over time.

Your feedback shapes your path

How you move through the program is entirely based on how your body responds to each new movement sequence.

Smart coaching guides you along every step

Get expert coaching advice after each new movement sequence.

Always know exactly what do to

Every single day is planned out for you, based on what your body needs.


My favorite part is the everyday routine. It's laid out really well. It's simple and easy to follow.


Build habits that help you heal

Each week the goal is daily movement. Weekly Progress bars help you stay on track.

Week 10
Week 11
Week 12

My favorite part has been just knowing that I have something to do every day that will make me feel better.

In the moment shortly after I’m done but also knowing it’s going to be something that’s beneficial towards my long-term healing.


Live weekly group coaching

Guided meditations keep you centered


Access anywhere


“This is the only program I’ve ever found that actually makes sense.

It teaches you how to balance your whole body and I think that this is the key to movement without pain.”


5 Healing Phases

The Movement Program is a year-long guided process delivered digitally to your devices at home. You'll be led through 5 distinct healing phases. Each phase builds on the last:

Phase #1

Relax your Muscle Imbalances, Rediscover Motion, and Feel Better.

To correct your underlying issues, our first objective is to help you unwind your body and rebalance your movement.

Each daily routine takes anywhere from 15-25 minutes and will give you some early wins, which will result in you starting to move and feel better!

In this 8 week phase you will:

Phase #2

Restore Functionality

This is where the program adapts to address your specific needs.

Based on AI technology, you’ll learn specific routines custom-tailored to meet your specific needs so that you move and feel your best.

In this 8 week phase you will:

Phase #3

Build Strength

This phase is all about getting stronger.

That means we’ll be focusing on getting your joints and muscles to move together at the same time.

As a result, your flexibility, mobility, stability, coordination, and body control will improve. 

All of this will add up to you feeling more, capable and confident moving around due to your muscles being able to work much better now.


In this 12 week phase you will:

Phase #4

Introduce Dynamic Full-Body Movement

Dynamic exercises remind dozens of muscles how to work together as a team.

The better your muscles can work together as a team, the easier, smoother, and stronger you will feel.

In this phase, you will learn specific movements that get your ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, spine, and shoulders to work and move together.


In this 12 week phase you will:

Phase #5


The Movement Program is ultimately about two things:

  1. Getting out of pain and rebalancing muscle function
  2. Developing a strategy to stay out of pain long-term and maintain balanced muscle function

Phase 5 will show you how to maintain the amazing results you’ve achieved long-term.

 You will fine-tune your perfect schedule of movements, exercises, and routines that help you feel your best.


In this 16 week phase you will:

Our members feel better

0 %

feel much better overall within 30 days

0 %

feel instant relief after just 1 day


I feel hope that I won’t have to be stuck in pain for the rest of my life and I can live vibrantly again, and I’m excited for just unlearning so much.

I feel like it makes so much sense, and that is very exciting.

-Annell, Pain Academy Member

Proven to work for

Pain Academy has a track record of being successful with these common conditions.

Back Pain

Back Pain

Neck pain

Neck pain

Hip Pain

Hip Pain



Asymmetrical Pain

Asymmetrical Pain

Disc Problems

Disc Problems

Muscle Tension and Tightness

Muscle Tension and Tightness


Other Conditions 

Member Profiles


Meet Samantha

Samantha originally came to Pain Academy looking for help with her scoliosis and lower back pain.

Aside from having painful movements and substantial muscle imbalances, Samantha didn’t have a daily routine she could follow that would provide her with relief.

After enrolling in The Movement Program, she started to learn simple movements and exercises she could follow daily to regain control over her movement and pain.

Her results speak for themselves. By empowering her and showing her exactly what to do on a daily basis, her body started to respond in incredible ways.

Her pelvis has leveled out, her scoliotic curves have significantly reduced, and her pain levels have subsided enough for her to get back to the gym and be able to work out as hard as she wants.

Above all, she is now in control and knows what to do to thrive long-term.


I was gaslit by my doctors for years. They made me believe it’s all in my head. “It’s just scoliosis” they said, “It doesn’t even look that bad”.

-Bojana, Pain Academy Member

Meet Bojana

Your movement problems are not in your head.

If things are feeling off, we believe you.

You are the only one hard-wired to your nervous system that can sense and feel things with your body no one else can.

We trust you are the only one who can feel what you can feel, which is why The Movement Program is designed to cater precisely to your needs based on what helps you move and feel your best.

Bojana was frustrated with the level of care she was getting because the people she saw didn’t understand the real problem. Her entire body needed to be reminded how to work and move properly.

The Movement Program gave her a plan she could follow that showed her exactly what to do every day, which is why she got these incredible results and has dramatically improved the quality of her life.

She has taken back full control of her health, movement, and well-being.


Meet Reggie

Reggie joined The Movement Program looking to get relief from a strong muscle imbalance.

The muscle imbalance was so severe it caused the right side of his back to grow 3x larger than the left side, pulling his lower back, pelvis, and ribcage into a ‘stuck’ rotated position

He didn’t have pain per say, movement just didn’t feel great. There was a lot of restriction and tension when he bent forward or did most other movements due to this muscular imbalance.

After making a solid commitment to The Movement Program, Reggie learned how to tame this muscular imbalance and help both sides move better together.

His learning precisely what to do daily and having a structured program to follow helped him rebalance his entire body.

Now that restrictions and limitation are gone when he moves, he now can finally do the strength training programs he wants without worrying about this problem getting worse the stronger he becomes.


How is this different from yoga?
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How long does it take to feel better?
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Who is my coach?
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Real people, real stories

Start enjoying life again

Get started today with The Movement Program